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The Taking of the Triple Gem of People in Kaendong Sub-District, Kaendong District, Buriram Province
Researcher : Phrakrusutathammaphimon date : 02/08/2017
Degree : พุทธศาสตรมหาบัณฑิต(พระพุทธศาสนา)
Committee :
  พระครูวินัยธรอำนาจ พลปญฺโญ
  พระมหามงคลกานต์ ฐิตธมฺโม
Graduate : ๒๐ มีนาคม ๒๕๕๙



There are 3 objectives of this thesis, 1) to study the concept of taking refuse of the Triple Gem in Buddhism 2) to study of the taking refuse of the Triple Gem in Buddhism and 3) to study the taking refuse of the Triple Gem of people in Kaendong Sub-District, Kaendong District, Buriram Province.

The result of research finds that;

1. The concept of the Triple Gem in Buddhism means 3 superb guidelines or Three Gems. This is the highest worship for the Buddhist and consists of the Buddha, the Dhamma and the Sangha. It is similar to three pillars which supports each other. The Triple Gem is different quality namely; 1) the Buddha consists of 9 qualifications for example he eradicated from defilements, 2) the Dhamma consists of 6 qualifications for example this doctrine was taught by the Buddha, and 3) the Sangha consists of 9 qualifications for example the Sangha means who practices following the Buddha’s step. It is said that the power of the Triple Gem can remove bad things, famine, disease and devils from human. Moreover, the Triple Gem was considered as refuge and memory of Buddhist because one who believes and follows the Triple Gem could escape from any danger which its root from ignorance.

2. There are 2 kinds of taking refuge of the Triple Gem; super mundane and worldly. There are different kinds of taking refuge of the Triple Gem, for example to sacrifice for the Triple Gem, to take refuge as the Triple Gem is guideline, to follow as disciple, to respect and to prostrate. The method of refuges in the Triple Gem can see in various ways such as recollection and following, so it can eradicate any danger for the followers.

Taking refuge of the Triple Gem in the Buddha time shows many way in detail. One who took refuge of the Triple Gem mostly understood, realized and strong believed together with sacrifice one’s life. It increased many followers and promoted Buddhism widely. But, taking refuge of the Triple Gem in present is different because of lack of such condition. Taking refuge of the Triple Gem shows only conventional truth.

 3) To interview of taking of the Triple Gem of Buddhist in Kaendong Sub-District, Kaendong District, Buriram Province on meaning, composition, quality of Triple Gem, power and the method of taking refuge of the Triple Gem. It shows that the majority of Buddhist does not understand and realize correctly on taking refuge of the Triple Gem. There are few Buddhist who understand on taking refuge of the Triple Gem. It is serious situation for Buddhist in present.



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