This thesis is of two objectives, namely :- 1) to study the taking care of the monks’ health and 2) to compare the behavior about the taking care of the monks health divided according to the general data
The method of making the research is carried out by the survey research. The exemplary groups in this research are 325 monks from Wat MahathatYuvaratrangsarit, Wat Phrachetuphonvimolmangklararm, and Wat Paknam Bhasicharoen. The instruments used in this research are the questionnaires, the Rating Scale for asking the behaviour of health analyzing the data by finding out the frequency, the percentage, the average, the standard deviation, T- Test, the F- Test. The statistic cost used in considering the difference of the average is more than two variations. The possibility is at the level of freedom. The united result of each the mark of the deviation is double. The average of the variation is double.
As regards the receiving news about the taking care of health, it is found that in Bangkok monks’ behaviours in taking care of health are at the middle level ( = 3.30). In respect to data about health care and physical illness, it is found that 235 monks selected from sampling group were not sick for the past six months, 158 monks faced high cholesterol in blood, allergic, high blood pressure, and 77 monks were in heart disease attack. As regards the understanding benefit and problem about the taking care of health, it is found that many of them understood the benefit and the health care. In taking care of health, monks were of the total level of one at a long time ( = 3.30).
The comparison of the level of the monks’ behaviours in taking care of health showed that monks in Bangkok who are different ages are of the different levels of behaviours in acknowledging the benefit of taking care of their health and the obstacles in taking care of their health with the important point in statistics at the level of o.o5.
Monks in Bangkok who are of different Vassas are at different levels of taking care of their health. Monks acknowledging the obstacles of taking care of the health with important point in statistics, are at the level of o.o5. Monks in Bangkok gaining different data about taking care of health were at no different behaviours in taking care of health in every aspect. Monks in Bangkok from different temples had no different behaviours in taking care of health in every aspect. Monks in Bangkok who know the different knowledge of taking care of health had no different behaviours in taking care of health. |